



Angel’s mum passed away suddenly a few years ago. Her dad struggles to afford school fees. Recently we surprised Angel by allowing her to pick any school she wished to attend. We took Angel and her dad to her chosen school to register and we paid for everything, including transport, lunches, bag, shoes, stationery and brand new uniforms. She can’t stop smiling.


We started sponsoring Ritah when she was in high school. She has now graduated and is studying to become a pharmacist. Ritah is nearing the completion of her course and we couldn’t be more proud of her.


Recently we received money for Veronica to purchase land for her family. Veronica's job barely covers the rent where she lives, so without help she could never dream of owning her own land. When I surprised Veronica with the money for the land her reaction was priceless. I had the opportunity to be there for the signing of the land title and Veronica was weeping as she was so overcome with emotion. It's so rewarding to see people's lives being changed and it's only possible because of the support we receive.


We discovered Fina was in her final year of primary school and that she owed her school a debt she couldn’t afford. We took care of her debt so she didn’t get kicked out of school. Thanks to our generous supporters, we were also able to pay for the rest of Fina’s primary education and provide lunch for her each day. She has now completed primary school and we’ve found her a sponsor so she can complete high school.

Baker was suffering from a severely infected appendix and probably would have died without immediate surgery. He didn’t have money to pay for the operation. We found out about the situation and paid for the surgery. Baker has now recovered faster than anticipated and is obviously very grateful.

Stella’s mother couldn’t afford to look after her so she was forced to work as a maid. This meant she couldn’t go to school anymore. We talked to the family she works for and they agreed to let her return to school. The family then sat Stella down and told her she is no longer a maid but a daughter in their family.


Several years ago we began sponsoring Mary and her 2 sisters. This enabled her family to move out of the slums to a nicer area. Mary was performing so well in school that I decided to move her to an excellent school next to her mum’s workplace. Her incredible effort and results continued and she is now the top academic performer in her class. Mary’s performance was so good that she was recently promoted to class prefect.